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Drug Abuse Education

The best thing regarding talking about drug abuse education is that you don't have to be a professional to get the job done. You simply have to try. If you give it your best try, your kids will get the message. The message that you care about them, that you understand something about the conflicts they face and that you're there when they need you.

The alternative is to ignore the subject of drug abuse education altogether. If you choose to go this route it means your kids are going to be listening to others who have strong opinions about the subject. This includes getting their education from those who use drugs as well as those who sell them.

When it comes down to it, drugs, alcohol, wild hairstyles, trendy clothes, ear-splitting music, outrageous language are different ways of expressing teenage rebellion. That's not all bad. Part of growing up is to create a separate identity, apart from parents-a process which ultimately leads to feelings of self worth. A step along that path is rebellion of one kind or another-which is to say rejecting parental values, and staking out new ones.

The problem comes when kids choose a path of rebellion that is harmful and destructive to them. The path we are speaking about here is drug abuse. Those who choose to take this route find that it leads to the destruction of their self worth and ultimately death. That's the reality of drugs.

When you talk to your kids about drug abuse education, it may seem as though nothing is getting through. This is not the case. The very fact you bring up the topic gives special weight to whatever you say. But whether or not your kids let on they've heard you, whether or not they play back your words weeks or months later, keep making the effort.

There are many ways to broach the subject of drug abuse education. Try asking, "Have you heard about any kids using drugs?" "What kind of drugs?" "How do you feel about that?" "Why do you think kids get involved with drugs?" "How do other kids deal with peer pressure to use drugs?" Use an approach that makes sense to you and feels natural. You could also try asking, "Have you talked about any of this in school?"

It is not important how you bring up the subject of drug abuse education, it is only important that when you do you state exactly how strongly you feel about it. Avoid using threatening tones, your demeanor should be matter-of-fact and unmistakably clear. Use phrases such as:
"Drugs are a way of hurting yourself."

"Drugs take all the promise of being young and destroy it."

"I love you too much to see you throw your life down the drain."

The do's and don'ts of drug abuse education. The most important "do" of drug abuse education is to speak from your heart.

The biggest don't is not to monopolize the conversation. If you listen to your kids-really listen and read between the lines-you'll learn a lot about where they stand on topics such as drugs, themselves, the world, and you. They'll also feel heard and that, too, is a step along the path towards self esteem.

Other important do's and don'ts include: Don't become threatening. Don't badger them. Don't put your kid on the spot by asking directly if he or she has ever tried drugs. They'll probably lie, which undermines your whole conversation.

All in all, drug abuse education teaches children about the dangers and risks of using drugs. It is a necessary part of providing a well rounded education to today's youth. Although it can be a difficult topic to discuss, it is well worth it in the long run.